
AskPakistanis.com provide general information, procedures and guidance about routine tasks of a common Pakistani living anywhere in the world. We always do a thorough research on each topic to collect complete and accurate information but this doesn’t mean that we cannot make mistakes. So, we will not take responsibility for any damages caused by information present on our website or if you find this information misleading or inaccurate.

We try to showcase information in simple and easy to understand method so this should give you the very best possible information for better understanding of different procedures.

We believe that many Pakistanis are not aware of very simple and basic documentation procedures like “How to obtain NADRA birth certificate of their kids” or “How to get domicile for job or education”. At AskPakistanis.com we write procedures on similar topics like how to issue / re-issue documents from different authorities and attestation of these documents from relevant departments in Pakistan.

You are more then welcomed to give us your suggestions and feedback to improve quality / accuracy of our contents. Send us an email at Feedback@AskPakistanis.com or comment on the topic.